Table of Content
These messages not only drive positive educational outcomes, they can also save lives. Bloomz is Cloverleaf's platform for communication between the school buildings and district families. Some parents will already be familiar with Bloomz, while for others it will be new. We've got an online tutorial and plenty of how-to information to help you use Bloomz to keep in touch with your child's teachers, coaches and administrators. Cloverleaf is in need of substitute teachers.
Learn how you can make a difference in your local school district at a job fair hosted by the Educational Service Center of Medina County on Jan. 12 at the Medina Library. Cloverleaf meets each learner where they are and offers the supports and strategies your child needs to succeed. Starting well before the first day of kindergarten and continuing all the way through high school graduation, Cloverleaf makes sure students have the help they need, no matter what learning challenges they may face. We're happy to welcome you as a member of the Cloverleaf family and we look forward to meeting you! In the menu on the lefthand side of this page, we hope you will find everything you need to regisister your child for school, request student records, and more. If your family could use assistance with meals during the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact your child's school or Feeding Medina County.
Welcome to Cloverleaf Local Schools
Resources are available to help. Reading can take you anywhere! The Literacy Team at CES has put together a guide to grade-level-appropriate games and activities to help families have fun and practice reading skills in the car, at home and all the places in between.
We make sure teachers have the up-to-date educational tools they need to provide students with the skills to excel in today's technology-driven careers. Students are evaluated for participation in advanced courses based on each child's academic performance and level of readiness. Learning opportunities for students identified as gifted reflect Cloverleaf's commitment to academic excellence and to our belief that every student should be provided with appropriate educational challenges. Whether it's in-person at school, or online in the evenings via the Colts Homework Helpline, National Honor Society members are available to support fellow CHS students in their academic success. The Galena Park Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Galena Park ISD regularly provides mass notifications to parents, guardians, students, and faculty regarding weather closures, threat situations, event scheduling, or to provide other important education-related information.
Cloverleaf General Information
It stands for "Readiness Opportunities Create Kindergarten Success!" It's a series of evening programs for preschool-age students and their families to explore the elementary school, meet the staff, and learn skills that will help students be ready for kindergarten. They'll create art projects, learn computer skills, play literacy-based games and more. Few school districts in the State of Ohio place as much emphasis on the continuous professional development of its faculty as Cloverleaf does.

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